Wednesday, February 29, 2012

, , , What Are Acuvue 2 Contact Lenses, Ten Steps to

By Adrianna Noton on February 25, 2012

Once you're diagnosed with a vision problem and decide on contacts for your corrective lenses, you'll be faced with a variety of different brand names. The Acuvue 2 is a specific model of contact lens from the Acuvue line put out by Johnson & Johnson. According to the company website, Acuvue came out with the first soft disposable contact lens in the world and is a leader in many of the innovations that take place within the industry.

Acuvue 2 contact lenses are designed as a two-week daily wear lens. Acuvue 2 lenses are comfortable, easy to handle, and provide UV protection to the wearer. Acuvue 2 contacts are tinted which makes them easier to handle, but they won't change the color of your eyes. When contact lenses are tinted, it's much easier to locate them if you accidentally drop them, or when they're in the contact solution.

If desired, you can get Acuvue 2 contact lenses that will either enhance lighter eyes or completely change the color of your eyes. You can use Acuvue contacts for either nearsightedness or farsightedness. If you're nearsighted, things seem blurry in the distance and if you're farsighted, things seem blurry up close.

Acuvue 2 contact lenses will provide your eyes with 88 percent of available oxygen, which helps with comfort and the "breathability" of the contact lenses. Like other Acuvue lenses, Acuvue 2 is also designed to help keep your eyes moistened during the day. With many brands of contacts, the lenses have a tendency to dry out, which creates big problems in terms of comfort. When contacts don't retain moisture like Acuvue 2, you have to add moisture in the form of drops during the day. Obviously, this can become a little monotonous and in some cases, people will even remove the contacts to avoid the discomfort. Not wearing contacts because they hurt or are uncomfortable completely defeats the purpose of having them in the first place. That is why it's important to seek out brands like Acuvue 2 that account for comfort issues in the design.

Whether you choose Acuvue 2 or another type of contact lens, always keep in mind which aspects are important to you before you start your search. No one brand is going to appeal to everyone, so make a list of the things that are important so you can find the right brand of contacts for you. In some cases, you may even have to try a few different brands before you settle on the one you like best. Take your time, ask questions, and you'll find the perfect contacts for your condition, lifestyle and personality.

Dee Dee Smith - Dee Dee is a web content writer with over a decade of experience. She has held contracts with golf, sports and business publications.

Help your loved one adjust to an assisted living environment. - Dee Dee Smith

Assisted living is often a very positive option for many seniors. Sometimes the move may be due to failing health, other times it may be necessary for a senior to move because of safety concerns. No matter the reason, a positive transition into an assisted living community will only be possible with the help and support of friends and loved ones.

Following are ten simple steps to help your loved one transition into assisted or semi-independent living:

Whenever possible, incorporate furnishings from your parent's home into their new assisted living apartment. Some items to consider might include a favorite chair, dresser or even a bed. Personal belongings from home such as robes, slippers and blankets should also be encouraged.Ensure your loved one that you and the family will continue to be an active part of their lives. This can be done via regular phone calls, letters, texts, e-mails and visits.Display family photos throughout the room or apartment. A bulletin board that allows for photos to be changed or updated is also a nice touch.Encourage your loved one to keep in touch with friends. If friends are not mobile, offer to pick them up and take them for a visit.In addition to helping to choose the community, be sure to involve your parent in other decisions such as selecting and decorating their apartment. Work with them in planning their daily schedule as well as activities or groups they'd like to participate in.Pick up your loved one on holidays and other special occasions. This again will ensure them that they are still a vital part of the family.Refer to the assisted living community as your parent's home. Never speak of it as if it were an institution. This will help your parent to begin to see their new place as home.In the early days you may want to dine with or attend an activity or two with your loved one. Remember however not to hover. The quicker they gain independence in their new place, the better.Get to know the staff. Work to build an open and trusting relationship. Show respect and appreciation toward them. In this way, they will more willing and likely to help you and your parent adjust in the community.Lastly, make sure your parent knows they always have your ear. Listen attentively to any concerns or complaints they have about their apartment, the staff or facility. Always try to be encouraging but supportive.

Expect your parent to have both good and bad days during the first few months or so in their new place. Nonetheless, following these ten steps will shorten the transitional period and likely increase the number of good days.

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